Monday, April 23, 2007

Free work at home

Free work at home
Copyright © Josh Mawbey

Free Work At Home Opportunities May Come With Costs

Regardless of what the advertisements may promise, finding free work at home projects may be next to impossible in many lines of work. While many companies advertise free work from home opportunities, their definition of free may not be the same as yours.

A majority of free work at home opportunities are nothing more than franchise opportunities, in which you put your name on their page and promote it. In a lot of ways, this makes sense. The company has spent a lot of money and a lot of time developing their web site, along with the replication software enabling you to have the same website with your name on it. They have also spent a lot of time and money developing the service or product mix for sale on that site.

Like any traditional franchise, a new entry in the field can take advantage of the name recognition, products and reputation of the existing company. The existing company is selling the exclusive use of their name and products, in hopes that more customers will be the result.

The main trouble with internet businesses is that customers come from all over the world and if there are 1,000 people with 1,000 websites that all exactly alike, getting people to visit your site so that you get credit for sale is where cost may enter the equation. Sure, you can set up a free blog site and talk about nothing but the products on your site, using your unique URL to draw people in. You may actually get one or two people reading your blog. Maybe they will visit the site. This is free.

If you ask any person who has achieved the slightest bit of success in business, internet or traditional, they will tell you that advertising or marketing is required to get people to your website or into your business. Without it, the only people who will know about your online business are you and your service provider, and they won’t care as long as you pay your fees.

In order to boost your page’s ranking, you may have to spend some quality time and money to make your site more attractive to internet search engines. In business, time is money, so your free work at home opportunity is getting more expensive as you go along.

Additionally, many of the companies offering free websites, amazingly also can recommend a marketing company to help you get your site noticed. That will not be free, but the returns from increased sales may pay for the advertising. Of course, the company, whose free website you promote, is going to be an affiliate of the marketing company and will receive a percentage of your outlay for the advertising. While there may not be anything illegal or even unethical about these arrangements, you should be aware of what you are getting into before you spend the first dime.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Market Your Home Business

Market Your Home business
Copyright © Josh Mawbey

Market Your Home Business To Assure Business Growth

You would not open a brick and mortar store without advertising and hope to grow, and there is no reason to believe that starting an internet business without advertising will not suffer the same fate. When you build a website and place it online, you and your web host are the only ones who know about it. Without proper marketing, that is how it will stay until you finally get frustrated and shut it down.

The internet is not the Field of Dreams and if you build it, they will not always come. If they do it may be accident if you have not let anyone else know your site exists. Many people fail to properly budget for advertising and once their site is up, they are caught in the middle. They have no money to advertise unless they make some sales, and they cannot make any sales unless they advertise. Most take that as a good reason to give up.

Having T-shirts imprinted with your business name can be done fairly cheap and some places will do them on your shirts for as little as $5 or $10 each. Provided you stick to the basics. Wearing them to public events gets your name out cheaply. Volunteer as an “expert” in your area of expertise. For example, if you are a carpenter and a heavy storm has caused a lot of damage in your hometown, contact your newspaper and offer precautions homeowners should take while looking to get repairs completed. Quoted with you name in your local newspaper is advertising that no amount of money can buy.

Most home businesses just starting out are usually stingy with their money, and they should be. Throwing money out the window will gather a lot of people in the short term, but once all the cash is gone the crowd will also disappear. Marketing your business on the cheap can be an exhausting exercise but with less money to spend, you will have to do more of the work.

Try talking to your local small restaurant about working a deal with their placemats. Better yet, gather a dozen or so other small businesses in your neighborhood about putting together an advertising placemat for your group. They can be as plain or as fancy as you can afford, but each business can have its own ad on the placemat and once printed, give them to your community restaurants to use. There are few small restaurants that will say no to free placemats.

If you can afford it, sponsor a local sport team and supply the uniforms, with your name on them of course, and reap the benefits of the advertising. This is a more expensive proposition, but perhaps your can work with the uniform supplier on a bartered deal to exchange some of the service costs for the uniforms.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Internet Business Opportunities

Internet Business Opportunities
Copyright © Josh Mawbey

Knocking On Door May Be Internet Business Opportunities

When opportunity knocks you should not be afraid to open the door and that is why the peepholes are so popular. Without being able to see what is on the other side of the door, too many times opportunities are available but they cannot be seen.

Numerous internet business opportunities present themselves every day and unless you can see the chance to become part of something special, you will constantly be on the lookout for an opportunity that have already passed you by. With every opportunity that arises, there is someone willing to take a chance. If you are not that person, then finding the right opportunity will never come your way. The internet can be an exciting place on which to do business, but many of the internet business opportunities will involve taking risk.

Many business people will tell you that success is an attitude and other will say that success is a choice. By having the right, positive attitude you can choose to make your business opportunity grow or you can choose to allow it to fail. However, the first choice you have to make is in taking advantage of the opportunity.

Not all opportunities are readily identifiable. What may seem like a fleeting thought may actually be a fledgling idea that if nurtured and thought completely through will emerge into an opportunity for growth and success. There are some online businesses offering people the chance to create their own business, following their model and business plan, which could be considered an opportunity. A lot of folks are reluctant to take them up on the opportunity to own their own business based on their unwillingness to follow someone else’s direction.

Franchises are one of the internet business opportunities that some folks shy away from because they will not have complete control over the business. However, a franchise is based on a proven method of doing business and a successful business model. Without the need to re-invent the wheel, you can have a business up and running in short order, or you can go against the grain and attempt to start over from the beginning/

When you see what may be an opportunity, you should study it and do the proper research to insure it is not one of the many scams available online. Once you have made the determination that the opportunity is genuine and you are willing to exert the energy and put in the time, then it is time to take advantage of the chance to see success.

Imagine where you would be today if the people from Microsoft, Apple or Dell Computers had missed their opportunity and failed to take the risk in starting their respective companies. Not only did their lives change based on their actions, so has the lives of everyone with a computer.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Sunday, April 8, 2007

How To Earn Extra Income
Copyright © Josh Mawbey

Everyone Looking For Ways To Earn Extra Income

If you are like most people, you are constantly trying to figure out how to earn extra income and still be able to have some free time to spend with your family. The ways to do this are varied and will depend on your skills and your desire and most of the ways to earn extra money will require time and effort, commensurate with the amount of extra money you want to earn.

Unless you come up with new get-rich-quick scheme and con a bunch of other people out of their money, which is illegal, there really is no way to make a ton of money in a short period of time as may be promised in some ads you receive in your inbox. Remember the old axiom that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.

Unfortunately, if you want to earn extra money you are going to have to work for it and how much extra money you want will depend on how much work you are willing to do. There are many legitimate methods of earning extra money at home, using your computer and your skills for which people are willing to pay. While many of the opportunities may offer lucrative promises, breaking into the fields may be a little tougher.

For example, trade shows and even county fairs generate tons of sales leads for companies and in order to send out promotional information, all the entry forms used for daily drawings will have to be entered into a data base. Typically, a company’s staff will not have time to do this so they hire outside help to get it done in a timely fashion. This company will probably seek out help from someone they know, being reluctant to hand over all the potential sales information to a stranger, not counting how willing they may be to mail it out to someone they do not know.

There are ads that promote becoming a medical transcriptionist but what the ads do not tell you that medical professionals will want to work with someone with a proven track record for accuracy. You should find out if there are any companies near your home that hire transcriptionists so you can get a start once you complete the intense training. It is more than just typing what you hear on a tape.

Online businesses are great and can good extra income if you become fluent in marketing for the internet. Understand the best way to promote an online business before you start your own can make a crucial difference in your success at creating extra income. Letting your business be known is critical, as is excellent customer service to keep your customers, but do not expect overnight riches.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Extra income opportunity
Copyright © Josh Mawbey
Extra Income Opportunity Working At Home

Working at home has a nice ring to it and many see being able to set their own hours as a dream come true. For those who have little or no self-discipline, that dream can quickly turn into a nightmare. There may be times when a deadline is approaching as well as your favorite sports team on television. Without the discipline to set your priorities to your work, your home business will fail.

When you make the commitment to work from home, you are telling your clients or customers that you are ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done within the promised time. When you continually fail to do that, you are telling them that you do not care about their needs and your time is more important to you than their project.

When you work from home, if there is no one around a majority of the day then there should be no distractions to keep you from getting your work done. When you first begin working at home, the first few days may be wasted as you get up in the mornings and think about not having to go anywhere. How nice it is that you can work whenever you feel like it. Soon, however, you may find yourself struggling to hit deadlines and having trouble finding new projects.

One tip about working from home is that while you can work in your pajamas, until you are settled into your routine of working at home, get up in the morning and get dressed for work. Hit the office at a specified time and establish regular hours. Once acclimated to getting your work done on time, then you can play with your schedule and your dog during the day and finish your work in the evening.

Many clients will not care whether you are working on their project at seven in the morning or 10 at night. Their only concern is that the work is done to their specifications within the time that was promised. It is up to you to accomplish this.

Other than discipline, organization is a key ingredient in working from home so that little details, or big jobs, are not overlooked and forgotten. Other than not getting a project completed on time, the worst customer service you can offer is telling a client that you forgot to do their work. Telling them they are not important enough to remember will likely not bring you any additional business from them or their friends.

Once you are organized and disciplined, you can be prepared to work more hours than normal. At least until you have established yourself in your business and become acclimated to the amount of work you need to do. Another tip is to finish all the hard projects at the beginning so if you get behind, the easy ones can be done quickly.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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Josh Mawbey